Activity and users

Please enter some information regarding the situation in your company

Meetings Board Subcommittee Other
Number of attendees
A4 sheets per meeting
Meetings per year
Average time spent preparing
a single meeting in hours
Board secretary review time
Total sheets A4
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Total sheets in 1 year
sheets of A4
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Calculations for going paperless

Further explanations on your company savings

1 year 1 month 1 week 1 day
Sheets of A4 used
Trees saved
kg paper
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1 year 1 month 1 week 1 day
Savings in consumables, printing & transport (not staff)
Reduced staff costs preparing meetings
- Preparing meetings
- Reviewing meetings
User cost of iBabs
Savings per annum
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Use this information for your business case
Time saved in one year

iBabs saves up to 70% of the time spent on meeting preparation

kg of CO2 saved in one year

Your company could save this many CO2 in only one year

x kg CO2
See breakdown below

3000+ iBabs companies together, saved in one year

Saved sheets of A4 504000000 Sheets of A4 paper
Saved trees 60244 Trees
Saved CO2 1311508 kg CO2
Saved paper weight 2469998 kg paper
Saved consumables 22087649 Savings in consumables, printing & transport (not staff)

Learn more about iBabs