Category: Meeting techniques

How To Hold More Productive Meetings – Webinar With David Allen

Date: 24 May 2023

Described as “the personal productivity guru”, David Allen has 40 years of experience helping companies maintain laser focus, especially when it comes to holding better meetings. And he will share the secrets of his successful methodology at the next iBabs Expert Session on June 29th 2023.  You can reserve your place right now and discover the insights behind David’s groundbreaking strategies to help reduce stress, enhance productivity and get things done before, during and after your meetings.  This article explains what you will gain from this exclusive opportunity to spend time in the company of an international expert in his […]

Improve Your Meetings For Free With iBabs’ New Meeting Excellence Assessment

Date: 16 May 2023

iBabs is delighted to announce a brand-new Meeting Excellence Assessment framework that you can use right now for free and with no strings attached. You can find out in just seven minutes how your meetings are currently performing, where your strengths lie and how you can make the necessary changes to make them more effective.  Inefficient meetings waste everybody’s time and effort, but by assessing the key elements of your meeting process, this framework can help you carve the best routes forward for your organisation.  How the Meeting Excellence Assessment works Simply click through to take the Meeting Excellence Assessment. […]

The 7 Chairing Meetings Skills That Every Chair Should Develop

Date: 16 August 2022

Board meetings provide a number of challenges for the chairperson. They vary from handling different personalities and ensuring everyone has a say to keeping the room energised and the directors focused. All the while, the chair has to navigate these issues and facilitate the making of good decisions that benefit the organisation. This article features seven chairing meeting skills that help chairs lead board meetings in the most effective way possible.  A strong chair is essential. The Institute of Directors states that “at all meetings the chair should direct discussions towards the emergence of a consensus view and sum up […]

Electronic Voting For The Board Of Directors: Dos and Don'ts

Date: 5 July 2022

These days, businesses are finding the most suitable people for their boards without the restrictions of distance between home and office. With shifts to hybrid ways of working and the rise in the use of electronic meeting software such as Zoom, Skype and Microsoft Teams, in-person board meetings are no longer a must-have. However, it’s critical to remember that many of the same rules still apply. Ultimately, each director has to fulfil their responsibilities and fiduciary duties wherever they’re voting from. This means that many of the daily tasks of the board of directors and company secretary can be managed […]

What Is Good Local Governance and How To Achieve It

Date: 18 June 2022

We often hear about governance in the context of corporate governance: the rules, practices and procedures that inform how a corporation, firm or business operates. However, governance also applies to local authorities and governments.  Local authorities and governments are appointed to take care of a district by problem-solving, making decisions and driving improvements – this could be a county council in a city, a municipality or even a school district. The scale of such authorities may surprise you; in the USA, for example, there are around 85,000 units of local government. Whether corporate or local, the relevant governance rules are […]

How to Prepare Board of Directors Annual Calendar + Template

Date: 7 January 2022

As company secretary, it’s important to keep the board of directors on track. Each member of the board will have their own priorities, workloads and other matters to attend to. However, creating an annual calendar in advance means everyone can schedule the time, which will increase the likelihood of attendance and always having a quorum. It’s important to remember that most votes can’t take place without a quorum; this means you need to do everything in your power to make it easy for individual members to attend each meeting. A thoroughly planned schedule ensures that all key dates, issues and […]

Overcoming a meeting slump: how to stay focused during board meetings

Date: 7 June 2020

Board members often experience loss of focus during meetings, which can affect decision-making, productivity and creative thinking. Three aspects that are generally vital during board meetings. Studies have shown that board members do not maintain constant levels of attention during meetings. A meeting slump is very common among board members. As a board member or Executive Director, you can play a key role in keeping the board engaged and focused on what’s important. But only if you maintain focus throughout the meetings yourself. This article provides board members and executives with some tips and tricks on how to stay focused during meetings […]

Healthy meetings in the hospital

Date: 8 September 2019

Just because you work in a hospital, doesn't mean you're surrounded by patients all day. Of course doctors, medical specialists and management assistants in this sector also have administrative tasks and obligations to confer, resulting in long working days. This often needs to be evening work, as daytimes are filled with patient consultations, tests and operations. Unfortunately, meetings have become increasingly complex in recent years; the extensive co-operations/partnerships within the healthcare system are leading to a lack of transparency in decision-making processes. Want to be fit at the end of a long working day? Take advantage of these 5 tips […]

iBabs Meeting Assessment
iBabs is a leader in paperless meetings and enables you to reduce these piles of documents to the thickness of your tablet. Thousands of organizations have been using this system for more than 15 years.

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