Tag: Board member

A board secretary’s guide to increasing non-executive directors’ performance

Date: 23 May 2019

Have you ever been in a board meeting and thought that at least one other person in the room shouldn’t be there? An astonishing 46% of directors believe a fellow board member should be replaced, according to PwC’s 2017 Annual Corporate Directors Survey. And with increasing expectations of boards, that’s really counterproductive. Everyone should pull their weight and bring the board’s performance to a higher level. But in the case of non-executive directors (NEDs), how much value you’re getting out of them is actually not just due to their skills or level of engagement. The value of non-executive directors Being more […]

9 tools to help you become a more effective board member

Date: 6 November 2018

Unlock your true productivity with these 9 tools “Until we can manage time, we can manage nothing else.” ~ Peter Drucker As a board member, you have the responsibility to keep the organisation on the road to success. But that doesn’t mean trying to squeeze more hours in a day to get there. On the contrary. Management quality has been shown to improve dramatically when its leaders are grounded and balanced, instead of overworked and constantly overwhelmed. A good board member is one that: Focuses on results Keeps the big picture in mind Makes the best use of their time Luckily, with the […]

How NHS boards can make their operations more effective

Date: 2 May 2018

Ask yourself: “How do you make sure your organisation is running effectively? To deliver the best healthcare, every part of the organisation needs to run smoothly. And that starts with a healthy board. Your board sets the direction, it makes the important decisions and it keeps the interest of everyone aligned. So when your board is running effectively, it sets the tone and the effectiveness will trickle down to the rest of the organisation. An effective board Being effective means focusing on doing the right things, instead of doing things right. And especially because most boards don’t have that much time […]

The dangers of email every NHS board member should know about

Date: 19 April 2018

A lot of internal communication across board members within NHS organisations happens through email. A medium that has been around for decades. Everyone knows how it works and safety is guaranteed, right? But is email as secure as we think it is? In this article you will learn what the possible dangers of email are and how to protect your board from these threats. NHS reliance on email communications According to Daniel Reynolds, director of communications at NHS Providers, the NHS is too reliant on email for communications. This is worrying, especially because recent cases like the WannaCry attack and other ransomware attacks […]

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