Digital signatures more powerful than ink

iBabs uses Advanced Electronic Signatures (AES) that are legally valid as specified by the eIDAS regulation.
Two-factor authentication ensures all documents are signed by the right people.
You can use the built-in secure iBabs signature or our integrations with Signhost (previously Evidos) and Validsign.
Upload any type of document, and it will be converted to PDF to be signed.

Document signing with iBabs

Capture actions that need signing straight from the meeting agenda.
Keep track of documents that need to be signed and monitor the status.
Store all documents on iBabs, SharePoint or your own document management system.

Document signing before iBabs

Endless printing

Without a digital board portal, you have to print each and every document. Paper documents easily get lost, and it takes a lot of time to find what you need. Not to mention that it undermines your sustainability efforts.

Missed deadlines

A paper workflow means you have to chase directors for signatures, wasting even more time. It’s also difficult to keep track of where your documents are or who has yet to sign them.

Paul Theunissen, Secretary of the Board of Directors of Euronext

“We would have made the decision years ago if we had known that it would be so simple to digitize our board of directors.”

iBabs immediately established itself as the fluidifier of our governance.

Paul Theunissen Secretary of the Board of Directors of Euronext

Trusted by 3,000+ organisations big and small worldwide

City of Amsterdam
Bord Bia
Hollywood Bowl
IDA Ireland
Intesa San Paolo
Peace Hospice Care
Royal Marsden
University of Sheffield
The Royal Wolverhampton
iBabs is making meetings easier for more than 3000 Different organisations in Europe
iBabs already has more than 300000 happy users

Ready for iBabs?

If you’d like a conversation about iBabs, or a live demo, you can book directly into the calendar of one of our team.
Just enter your details below and you will be able to pick a date and time that suits you.