Move beyond the show of hands

Use manual, live and anonymous voting within the iBabs board portal.
Employ weighted voting to reflect specific individuals’ influence. *
Confidentially record votes in favour, against and withheld.
Generate decision reports and voting summaries, and store them in a searchable, centralised database.

* Coming soon

Voting with iBabs

Choose the voting procedure that best suits your organisation.
Capture votes on proposals, motions or amendments within iBabs.
Attach voting summaries to your board resolutions for easy reference.

Make public meetings more transparent

Connect your microphone system to the iBabs voting system for a complete record of the proceedings.
Document the voting behaviour of each participant for greater accountability.
Publish voting reports from public meetings directly to your website (Example)

Paul Theunissen, Secretary of the Board of Directors of Euronext

“We would have made the decision years ago if we had known that it would be so simple to digitize our board of directors.”

iBabs immediately established itself as the fluidifier of our governance.

Paul Theunissen Secretary of the Board of Directors of Euronext

Trusted by 3,000+ organisations big and small worldwide

City of Amsterdam
Bord Bia
Hollywood Bowl
IDA Ireland
Intesa San Paolo
Peace Hospice Care
Royal Marsden
University of Sheffield
The Royal Wolverhampton
iBabs is making meetings easier for more than 3000 Different organisations in Europe
iBabs already has more than 300000 happy users

Ready for iBabs?

If you’d like a conversation about iBabs, or a live demo, you can book directly into the calendar of one of our team.
Just enter your details below and you will be able to pick a date and time that suits you.