It’s not just employees in commercial companies who are increasingly working with a laptop, tablet and apps – (local) government too is using digital tools more often. And also during meetings. Because it’s exactly there that major savings can still be made. Perhaps your first thoughts go to saving money on paper and ink, but you can also save a lot on the meetings themselves. How can you do that? The answer is simpler than you might think: with a digital meeting tool. It might have seemed inconceivable ten years ago, but now that more and more private business is […]
The paperless office: ignore it or promote it?
We’ve got good news for lovers of the paperless office: the trend for organisations to use increasingly less paper continued undiminished last year. This was announced by the Association for Information and Image Management (AAIM) on 4 November this year on World Paperfree Day. Which department contributes most to using less paper? HR! Which is actually not really surprising as they have daily contact with younger employees and therefore have to respond to their need for digital communication. And let’s face facts – doesn’t everyone find a job through social media? And, of course you always apply online too, don’t […]
3 Urban myths about paperless meetings
Have you ever considered switching to meeting digitally but then read or heard something about paperless meetings that made you change your mind? Then this blog was written for you! Over the last few years, we’ve heard a number of urban myths going the rounds about paperless meetings. Could it be that one of these stories was the reason why you still hold meetings in the old-fashioned way, with paper? Urban myth 1: Digital meetings are not secure If you were scared off by this urban myth, then we’re not surprised that you’ve never made a start on digital meetings. […]
Meeting’s agenda AOB: scrap it or use it?
One of the nightmares of every chairperson has to be colleagues that squander huge amounts of time on the vaguest item on the meeting’s agenda – ‘any other business’ (AOB). No matter how tightly you manage the meeting, there are no rules for ‘any other business’. Before you know it, you’re embroiled in a discussion that nobody saw coming and for which nobody has prepared. That’s why in this blog we’ve gone back to the basics: what is the item AOB meant for anyway? Parking or removal Originally, AOB made it possible to introduce items for discussion that were not […]
4 tips to make keeping minutes easier
“Who’s keeping the minutes today?” It’s not exactly a question that makes you popular. As soon as the chairperson asks this question, his or her colleagues quickly hide behind their laptops or suddenly have to check something important on their smartphone. Rarely if ever does anyone volunteer. Which is hardly surprising as transcribing minutes takes time. And as you’re busy enough as it is, you’d prefer to spend that time on other things. Yet it can all be done smarter and faster. Surely you’d prefer your colleagues not to stick their heads in the sand when you ask for someone […]
How to prevent these four frustrations at meetings
Meetings... Most people can easily think of something nicer to do. In fact, many people find meetings totally mind-numbing. Why is that? Do we get annoyed with colleagues who are meanwhile busy with entirely different things? Who visibly take no active part? Or are there other factors to consider? On average, we spend 6.5 hours a week in meetings, so at least let’s make them a bit easier and enjoyable! To help you, this blog describes the four biggest annoyances with meetings. Because once you realise why you approach meetings with a sense of foreboding, you know where changes should […]
In the cloud or in the safe? Secure your digital meeting documents!
The development of the Internet of Things has been advancing for some time and seems set to continue. Not only at home but in the office too, increasingly more devices, programs and digital tools are communicating with each other. That’s handy but it does call for continuous attention to security, as criminals are also keeping pace with these developments and computers are being increasingly held hostage by means of ransomware. Of course, the idea of this happening with your confidential meeting documents doesn’t bear thinking about! Stay a step ahead of the cybercriminals One of the steps that companies are […]
Knowing what type of meeting you're in
During a meeting, have you ever thought: “If only I'd known that a decision was to be taken on subject X today, I'd have prepped differently!” If enough of your colleagues are having the same thought, the meeting will soon become inefficient. What a pity, because it will last longer than is necessary or the decision in question will not be taken at all. And so another meeting needs to be planned on the same topic. What a waste of time! Luckily, such situations can be easily prevented. How? By clearly communicating the purpose of the meeting beforehand. Is there […]