Meeting Management Insights by %%sitename%% Board Portal Software

16 Meeting Minutes Best Practices To Streamline Your Processes

Date: 1 October 2024

Meetings are the catalyst for strategic planning and transformative decision-making. However, their true productivity hinges on the accuracy of minutes — a detailed account of what happened. Meeting minutes serve as the official record of decisions made and actions approved and assigned. They are a crucial reference point for all participants. When taken accurately, these records ensure clarity and accountability. They prevent misunderstandings and keep businesses aligned with their goals. Optimising minute taking empowers organisations to make informed decisions. Without precision, you increase the risk of losing valuable insights and derailing projects. This article shares meeting minutes best practices to […]

How To Write An Executive Meeting Agenda + Template

Date: 17 September 2024

With more than a fifth (22%) of respondents to iBabs’ State of Meeting Management 2024 survey confirming they spend more than half their working week in meetings, it is important that these meetings prove worthwhile. Yet, only 51% of participants claimed to be satisfied with the way meetings ran in their organisation.  Unfortunately, the individuals in important positions on executive teams are likely to be those who spend the most time around the table, and the results of our report show that many companies might not be making the most of their top talent when it comes to meeting outcomes.  […]

How to Introduce a Board Meeting Voting Protocol

Date: 9 August 2024

The iBabs State of Meeting Management 2024 report found that only around half (51%) of meeting participants were satisfied with the way in which their company organised and ran its meetings. This suggests that there is a case for organisations to improve such processes as preparing agendas, tracking action points and creating effective and transparent voting procedures.  And voting is particularly important in the boardroom, where directors make decisions regarding the strategic direction of the business and how to navigate through volatile conditions to reach its goals. Establishing a robust board meeting voting protocol is key to creating the right […]

How To Write A Board Diversity Policy + Template

Date: 16 July 2024

A diverse board helps companies find innovative solutions to complex problems. Traditionally, directors have been largely been in the same age demographic group. This means that they often bring similar experiences and insights to the boardroom, leading to a narrow scope when it comes to decision-making. By bringing diverse perspectives to the table, you present a challenge to the orthodoxy and uncover new strategic options.  Thankfully, boards are becoming more diverse. In some cases, this is being led by mandatory quota legislation. For example, Belgium and the Netherlands require 33% of board members to be women, with that figure standing […]

How To Take Non-Profit Meeting Minutes + Template

Date: 25 June 2024

The non-profit sector is one of the best performing for taking meeting minutes. In our State of Meeting Management 2024 report, 86% of meeting participants from non-profits confirmed that someone minuted meetings and distributed them afterwards. However, only 54% of those in non-profits reported that action points stayed on the radar and were followed up in a timely manner.  As minutes play a key role in holding non-profit board members accountable, it could suggest that there is an issue with the way organisations are dealing with the minuting process.  In order to make sure your organisation’s minutes help the board […]

How To Run A Board Meeting As A Non-Profit And Ensure Efficiency

Date: 13 June 2024

Writing in the Harvard Business Review, consultant Alan Cantor highlights some of the challenges non-profits face when running their board meetings. Cantor says:  “As a consultant to nonprofit organizations, I often hear board members complain, ‘We almost never have time in board meetings to talk about strategy. We’re too busy with board business!’” Get the Board Meeting Template Kit Meeting agenda, annual plan, board resolution and more templates to use in your meetings Download now There is a temptation to load the meeting with current matters, reports and financial details, which often means there is no time to move onto […]

How to Write a Non-profit Board Meeting Agenda + Template

Date: 2 May 2024

Board meetings at non-profits are essential to help the company fulfil its vision, mission and purpose. It is your chance to gather together the skills, expertise and experience of your board members to make decisions that will drive the organisation forward in an efficient and sustainable manner.  However, our State of Meeting Management 2024 survey found that meetings across this sector were not as efficient as they could be. 92% of those representing non-profits that responded to the study rated their meeting satisfaction as five or below out of ten. There are many reasons why attendees might not be getting […]

Key Learnings from our 2024 Global Meeting Survey

Date: 11 April 2024

iBabs’ State of Meeting Management 2024 report provides fascinating and insightful meeting productivity statistics from a survey of more than 2,000 respondents. The participants comprised stakeholders with a range of roles in meetings at organisations including corporate giants, government bodies, non-profits and healthcare providers. Key findings The goal was to produce business meeting statistics that offer a complete view of the meeting landscape, focusing on both the qualitative and quantitative aspects of meeting management. We explored every stage of the meeting lifecycle, from preparation to execution and follow-up, ensuring our data was robust and reflective of current trends and challenges.  […]

iBabs Meeting Assessment
iBabs is a leader in paperless meetings and enables you to reduce these piles of documents to the thickness of your tablet. Thousands of organizations have been using this system for more than 15 years.

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