The iBabs team has been hard at work lately, designing the latest version of the platform. We're ready to unveil this important upgrade to our board portal software and are delighted to share it with you. And the best thing? We developed these updates using the invaluable feedback you have shared with us. The result is a revamped iBabs that is tailored to help you improve efficiency and facilitate informed decision-making. The first thing you will notice is a brand-new dashboard to help you better visualise your meeting management in a way that works best for you. We have also […]
Webinar - A showcase of the iBabs board portal
We’re inviting you to a special webinar to show you exactly how the iBabs board portal works. Presenter Richard Sealey will walk through the special features, as well as talk about a very practical approach to implement a digital board portal. You'll learn more about: P.S.: If you’re not entirely happy with your current solution, or you’re just starting the journey of going paperless, then I’d wholeheartedly recommend attending this webinar. This webinar will be presented by: Richard Sealey, UK Ireland & Nordics Sales Manager at iBabs Board Portal Solutions This is an online event. No software installation is required […]
Are your meeting documents safely locked away?
It is clear from the top 25 worst passwords from 2015 that many people struggle to choose a strong password, or they consider it unimportant. 123456 was the most popular Dutch password once again. Unbelievable, right? Even comedian Don Friesen uses the topic for a sketch. Strong passwords We use elaborate alarm systems to safeguard our homes, and have extra anti-theft protection on our cars, but online security is often neglected. Strong passwords are vital since hackers are getting increasingly ingenious. This is particularly crucial when you hold paperless meetings. When all of the confidential meeting materials are in the […]
iBabs is everybody’s best friend
We all want something different. It is corny but none the less true. It also applies to the way we conduct meetings. Just take a good look around during one of your meetings. Linda has her documents printed in front of her whereas her colleague John prefers a computer. Ask ten different people what they prefer and you will receive ten different answers. The question is; what makes an effective meeting? A system for everyone Everyone has their own working method. And yet it is important we all use the same system. To keep track, to organize the workflow, to […]