Facilitate paperless working! 5 helpful apps

You know them: those colleagues who always have everything under control. They have information at their fingertips on their cell phone or tablet with a single push of a button. They never need to look for the necessary records. A collection of Post-it notes on their desk? No way. Does it seem like heaven to you to be so organized?

There are various apps that can help you to work smarter.  Notebooks and memo pads are no longer necessary. You don’t have to waste time while looking for the correct memo. In no time, you too will have all of the information handy, without paper!  Here are five examples of handy apps.


Do you frequently make to-do lists? From now on you can easily keep them up to date in Trello. With this application you can quickly compile to-do lists. The tasks are separated in Trello onto different panels, a type of virtual pin board. You can place various lists per project, taking the form of album. If your colleagues also work with Trello, you can add them onto specific tasks. It is also possible to give feedback to tasks. Trello is web-based, but also works as an app for Android and iOS. A similar app that also works well is Any.do: Any.DO inc.


You can store everything that you don’t want to forget in Evernote: records, tasks, bursts of inspiration, ideas for blog articles, etc., etc. In addition, you can work real time with colleagues who also work with Evernote. Evernote synchronizes all files automatically in your cell phone and computer and it is available for OSX, Windows; Android as well as iOS.


Scannable is an Evernote application, with it you can easily scan documents with your cell phone and save them as a pdf or jpeg. You can send everything automatically to Evernote, or opt to save the files somewhere else. Very handy for the piles of receipts and business cards you receive!  Whether you are on the road or at the office, you can scan your paperwork quickly and you never lose anything.  A relaxing thought, right? Kiss those messy scattered notes and documents goodbye! Scannable is only available for iOS.


Do you need to stay current with the literature for your work? Then Pocket is a useful app. In Pocket you collect the articles that you’d rather read later. Since it sychronizes with your browser, with one button you can add content to your own list. The list is also sychronized with other devices, so you can read the saved documents wherever and whenever it suits you. Printing and saving articles to avoid forgetting to read them is history with Pocket


Mailbox is a subsidiary of Dropbox. The app is a management tool with which it is possible to put email messages into “snooze” mode and then have them return later to your inbox. You can also delete, archive or place emails into a folder with a single swipe. In addition to the great features, Mailbox also looks great.  And obviously it is also integrated with Dropbox’s cloud storage.

All of these apps save you from searching through piles of paper. Are you inspired and want to start paperless working?  Consider then also the benefits of paperless meetings. Get to work with iBabs: use a tablet instead of the piles of meeting papers!  

More information

8 December 2015
iBabs Meeting Assessment
iBabs is a leader in paperless meetings and enables you to reduce these piles of documents to the thickness of your tablet. Thousands of organisations have been using this system for more than 15 years.

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